Bibliography and acknowledgements
A special 'thank you' to Jean Rider of the (then) Countryside Agency who managed the Local Heritage Initiative. Many thanks to everyone in the Heritage Lottery Fund office at Nottingham who were so helpful and understanding, and gave several extensions to the grant, when a key member of the Flintham Society team died. Thank you also to the staff at the Nottinghamshire Archives Office and the staff at the local Studies Library, Angel Row, Nottingham. Gavin Walker must also be thanked for his tuition and patience while these web pages were organised and Doris Dryden who typed the transcripts.
Ex-pupils and staff from the Robert Thoroton Secondary School, plus others with some connection, willingly chatted about their days at the school and found photographs and other memorabilia. These web pages could not have been produced without their memories and the Flintham Society is very grateful to them all. Sue Clayton wrote the text and any errors are hers.
Primary sources
Nottinghamshire Archives Office (NAO): Nottinghamshire County Council Minute Books, 1949, pp57, 339, 518, 661; 1950, pp30, 253, 256, 431; 1957, p243; 1959, p54; 1961, p220
NAO SL71/2/1 Robert Thoroton Log Book and Admissions Register
Nottingham City Library, Angel Row, Local Studies: Programme of the opening of the Robert Thoroton County Secondary School, 9 September 1950
The Flintham Museum: Letters and other documents written by and to Judge Hildyard
Private Papers: Teaching notes etc., written by Barrie Ellis
Photographs loaned by: Pam Cox, Barrie Ellis, Sue Heath, Robert Speir, Brenda Stone
Although the photographs are held by the above, it does not mean that they own the copyright. Every effort has been made to trace the photographers and to credit them accordingly. Please let the Flintham Society know of any errors so that appropriate credit may be made.
Drawing of the Robert Thoroton School by George Tindale
Memories from the following are archived in various formats at the Flintham Museum. Very many thanks to: Mrs R. Andrews, Edwin Bates, David Cartledge, Jill Chamberlain, Pam Cox, Barrie Ellis, Barry Ellis, Eddy Fearon,Norman Hall, Brent Hallam, Douglas Hallam, Sue Heath, Graham Henshaw, Syd Hill, Myles Hildyard (deceased), Philip Johnson, Jean Leach, Mary Marsh, Sheila McCauley, Gwen Marshall, John Morris, Christine Newcombe, Pat Pickford, Maurice Rushby, Gerard Sharp, Joan Sills, Aubrey Smith (deceased), Gordon Smith, Judy Spendlow, Brenda Stone, Margaret Tebbutt, Di Tindale, George Tindale, Neville Tindale, Ivor Walker, Mark Widdison, Bruce Willis, David Willis, John Wilson, Valerie Wilson, John Wyles, Jean Young.
Secondary Sources
J. Lawson and H. Silver, A Social History of Education in England (1973)
D.J. Stainier, W. Gash & Sons Ltd, Newark (1987)
If you have any comments or any further memories to add, please contact The Flintham Society atflintham.museum@googlemail.com the Flintham Museum