Flintham Open Gardens
Sunday 22 June 2014 the museum opened as part of Flintham's Open Gardens afternoon from 1-5pm. Behind the museum is a modern weather station designed and built by Martin Smith, an international craftsperson who specialises in quirky installations. Martin's brief was to interpret a series of weather notes kept by Flintham's shopkeepers, Fred White and his daughter Muriel. From 1911 until the 1970s the Whites made a note of the day's weather (except on Sundays) along with the shop's takings. Before fridges and freezers, it was important to be able to spot weather patterns so that perishable stock could be protected from extreme heat or cold. Museum visitors were encouraged to write a note about the weather on the day they visited.
As well as the museum eight gardens were open plus the church with flower displays, the community shop with ice creams, and teas and home made cakes were available in the village hall where there was a plant stall and home made greetings cards. The proceeds from the afternoon were divided between the museum, community shop, village hall and the church and each organisation was given £223.