Washday Mondays - Reminiscence session
A series of memory sessions are available for care homes and day centres. For further information please contact the museum. Subjects include Washday Monday, Celebrations, Childhood Games and Shopping.
A traditional games evening took place at Flintham Village Hall on Saturday 21 February 2015.
Visitors were able to have a go at a range of games, similar to ones which were played in 1915 when villagers raised money to send presents to their serving men. There were games of skill, funny games, family favourites and card games. The evening was a great success with lots of laughter especially when the magician (aged 93) and his assistant got into a muddle.
The assistant said it wasn't her fault that the magician was going deaf and couldn't hear the clues she was sending while the magician declared that the audience was making too much noise. By popular request a similar evening will be organised later in 2015. The second event took place in February 2016 and was equally successful.